
Today marks the first day after my Professional Examination. Before you comprehend the extend of my bliss right now, you'll have to understand how studying medicine in a military environment is. Medicine is a very tough subject, no doubt about that. Consistent studying is needed whereby the months prior the Pro Exam is filled with daily studying and studying and studying and more studying! This may sound easy, but now, in that Equation of amount of studying needed, add in the element of military. Daily parades, 3 hour long hand to hand combat classes, marching, cross countries, shooting practices, military classes, fitness test and so many more. On top of all that, add in triathlon training into that Equation: morning swim sessions before classes begin, evening run or bike training.

It's amazing how we Medical cadets actually manage to find time and the energy to study. I used to wake up at 5 every morning and give up my weekends just to slot in some extra time for revision. I was constantly juggling these 3 elements, studies, sports and military, trying to have a perfect balance where I can excel in all 3 aspects. So my daily routine went something like that: Wake up at 5 with a jump feeling very guilty I slept so early, study till 0615 then go for a swim till 0730, classes from 0800 to 1600, followed by a 10k run and cycling at 1700H, then it'll be prep time from 1900H to 2359H then sleep and the cycles starts again. And not to forget the ever present anxious and guilty feeling when I could be at my books but am not "spices" things up. I'll train a little shorter, eat a tad faster, walk a bit brisker just so I could have more time for revision.

But now, it is all over!! It has been some time since I actually woke up not with a guilty jump but with a slow relax smile when I remember that today I don't have to do anything, nothing at all : ) At least nothing about the studying part. To celebrate this special day, I'll be giving my body a long awaited workout by going for a triathlon training session in Putra Jaya and tomorrow I'll be cycling up to Frazer's Hill. At last, training with some peace of the mind.

From the way I just describe studying, it seemed like a tiresome chore. But no, honestly speaking, I actually quite enjoy studying. The only part tiresome part is the stress with arises due to examinations.

Since exams are over, one would expect long holidays. I wish it was so for us too, but we are confined to barracks with a one month military program planned for us. We'll be having a one week Basic Life Trauma Support course and another week doing our elective posting in Taiping. I hope we get the details soon.


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